Friday, October 29, 2010

Types of Graph

Definition of graph: A graph is a representation of a set of objects which are connected by links.

There are different types of graphs:
1.Directed graph
2.Undirected graph
3.Mixed graph
5.Simple graph
6.Weighted graph
7.Half-edges, loose edges

Properties of graphs: 1.Two edges of a graph are said to be adjacent if they have a common vertex.
                                2. If a graph has only one vertex and there is no edges, the graph is called the trivial graph.
                                3. The graph having no vertices and edges is called the null graph.
                                4.The graph having vertices and no edge is called the edgeless graph.

Classes of graphs: Graphs are classified as : 1.regular graph
                                                                   2.complete graph
                                                                   3.Finite and infinite graph

Graphs are again classified in terms of connectedness. The details and explanation will be discussed later.

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