Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Linear equations:

algebra linear equations   algebra expressions  algebra help

In last session we learned about arithmetic progression. Today I have decided to share my knowledge on linear equations.
Let me first explain you what is linear equation? Linear equation is also an algebraic equation, which is combination of constants or a product of a constants. The linear equations are also algebra expressions. Linear equations can hold one or much variables.

Collinear equations become with eager correspondence in practical science. While they uprise quite course when modeling some phenomena, they are especially usable since some non-linear equations may be reduced to lengthwise equations by assuming that quantities of occupy diverge to only a tiny extent from whatsoever "panorama" province.

The common form of linear equations are represented using 2 variables X and Y and is given below:

Y = mX + b

where m and b assign constants. The origination of the institute "linear" comes from the fact that the set of solutions of such an equation forms a undiluted differentiation in the cut. In this portion leveling, the unceasing m determines the incline or gradient of that pipe, and the unswerving word b determines the punctuation at which the bloodline crosses the y-axis, otherwise legendary as the y-intercept.

I hope now you are quite familiar with the concept of linear equations. Next we will learn some other math concept.

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